About Us

About CVL Akshara Foundation

Our Activities

  • Education
  • Health
  • Livelihood

CVL Akshara Foundation is Non-Governmental Organization established for mainly EDUCATION in India, particularly in Telugu States of Telangana & Andhrapradesh.

Founded by Narasimha Swamy, the foundation works with the sole aim of empowering Education. Provides subsequent Health and Livelihood.

Our Goals

  • Providing a good education for poor students.
  • Developing communication skills for students
  • Providing livelihood by providing financial support
  • Raising awareness about health
  • Raising health awareness through medical camps



of Students

There is only one purpose in whole of life is EDUCATION - Swami Vivekanada

Education gives good knowledge. Through this one can make right thought. The Final outcome will be better.

Education is the best medicine to kill evil thoughts

We want Education

by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded, by which one can stand on one`s own feet - Swami Vivekanada